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Graph Neural Operators for Learning on Spatial Transcriptomics Data
  • Junaid Ahmed,
  • Alhassan S. Yasin
Junaid Ahmed
BlueLightAI Inc
Alhassan S. Yasin
Johns Hopkins University

Corresponding Author:[email protected]

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The inception of spatial transcriptomics has allowed improved comprehension of tissue architectures and the disentanglement of complex underlying biological, physiological, and pathological processes through their positional contexts. Recently, these contexts, and by extension the field, have seen much promise and elucidation with the application of graph learning approaches. In particular, neural operators have risen in regards to learning the mapping between infinite-dimensional function spaces. With basic to deep neural network architectures being data-driven, i.e. dependent on quality data for prediction, neural operators provide robustness by offering generalization among different resolutions despite low quality data. Graph neural operators are a variant that utilize graph networks to learn this mapping between function spaces. The aim of this research is to identify robust machine learning architectures that integrate spatial information to predict tissue types. Under this notion, we propose a study to validate the efficacy of applying neural operators towards classification of brain regions in mouse brain tissue samples as a proof of concept towards our purpose and compare it against various state of the art graph neural network approaches. We were able to achieve an F1 score of nearly 72% for the graph neural operator approach which outperformed all baseline and other graph network approaches within the scope of supervised learning.
26 Mar 2024Submitted to TechRxiv
30 Mar 2024Published in TechRxiv