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Methodology for remotely controlling IoT devices using XNO micropayments
  • Sujanavan Tiruvayipati,
  • Ramadevi Yellasiri
Sujanavan Tiruvayipati
Maturi Venkata Subba Rao Engineering College, Osmania University

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Ramadevi Yellasiri
Chaitanya Bharathi Institute of Technology, Osmania University


The proliferation of Internet of Things (IoT) devices has led to an increasing need for secure and efficient methods of remote control. Traditional approaches often face challenges related to security vulnerabilities and centralized control mechanisms. This paper proposes a novel methodology for remotely controlling IoT devices utilizing micropayments of XNO, a blockchain-based cryptocurrency. The methodology leverages the decentralized nature of blockchain technology to ensure secure and transparent transactions, while micropayments facilitate cost-effectiveness. Through simulation, we demonstrate the effectiveness and feasibility of our proposed methodology in real-world IoT environments. Overall, our approach offers a solution for remote IoT device control, addressing key challenges while paving the way for a more secure and decentralized IoT ecosystem.
09 Mar 2024Submitted to TechRxiv
14 Mar 2024Published in TechRxiv