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FOMO- social media engagement- smartphone addiction and distraction _IEEEPaper.
  • Akhil Kumar Reddy Bandaru ,
  • Jinan Fiaidhi ,
  • Vishnu Sudheer Gannamani
Akhil Kumar Reddy Bandaru
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Jinan Fiaidhi
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Vishnu Sudheer Gannamani
Lakehead University

Corresponding Author:[email protected]

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Everything in this contemporary world can be exploited including a smartphone. Smartphone has both pros and cons. So, our research is focusing on the dark side of the smartphone and how it creates a potential risk to our mental health, productivity, time and academic performance. We are conducting a survey that examines the relationship between social media use and academic performance. We want to show that heavy social media usage is positively related to lower GPA i.e. Academic performance has a negative correlation to social media addiction and suggesting to them the best ways to get rid of smartphone addiction. Several mobile phone applications are available to help smartphone users to self-monitor their smartphone usage. These mobile applications may provide a means of delivering behavioral interventions to protect smartphone users from their potential problematic usage. At last, we want people to let them know the truth of how heavy smartphone usage is affecting their mental health, productivity, and safety in performing their daily tasks.