A PHY Layer Security Analysis of Uplink Cooperative Jamming-Based
Underlay CRNs with Multi-Eavesdroppers
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xAbstract—In this paper, the physical layer security of a dualhop
underlay uplink cognitive radio network is investigated over
Nakagami-m fading channels. Specifically, multiple secondary
sources are taking turns in accessing the licensed
spectrum of the primary users and communicating with a multiantenna
secondary base station (D) through the aid of a multiantenna
relay R in the presence of M eavesdroppers
that are also equipped with multiple antennas. Among the
remaining nodes, one jammer is randomly selected to transmit
an artificial noise to disrupt all the eavesdroppers that are
attempting to intercept the communication of the legitimate links
i.e., Si -R and R-D. The received signals at each node are combined
using maximum-ratio combining. Secrecy analysis is provided by
deriving closed-form and asymptotic expressions for the secrecy
outage probability. The impact of several key parameters on the
system’s secrecy e.g., transmit power of the sources, number of
eavesdroppers, maximum tolerated interference power, and the
number of diversity branches is investigated. Importantly, by
considering two scenarios, namely (i) absence and (ii) presence
of a friendly jammer, new insights are obtained for the considered
communication system. Especially, we tend to answer to the
following question: Can better secrecy be achieved without
jamming by considering a single antenna at eavesdroppers
and multiple-ones at the legitimate users (i.e., relay and enduser)
rather than sending permanently an artificial noise and
considering that both the relay and the destination are equipped
with a single antenna, while multiple antennas are used by the
eavesdroppers? The obtained results are corroborated through
Monte Carlo simulation and show that the system’s security can
be enhanced by adjusting the aforementioned parameters.