Design and Expansion Planning of Parallel Inverter Based AC Microgrids -
An Approach for Improved Stability Margins
This paper presents an application of impedancebased modelling approach
to identify suitable locations for design
and expansion planning of an inverter based autonomous AC microgrid. The
objective is to find out ideal location for placement of additional
components which can include new inverter-based sources, microgrid
damping controller, etc., ensuring sufficient stability margins. These
objectives are achieved by first identifying the weakest and the
strongest nodes in the system with respect to the system stability and
then observing the effects of choosing various nodes for design and
expansion on overall system stability. The weakest and the strongest
nodes are identified
using the impedance based stability analysis of the microgrid by
dividing the system in various possible partition points while the
impact of choosing different locations on stability is analyzed by eigen
value analysis as well as time-domain MATLAB/Simulink simulations and
experimental results.
This paper has been submitted to JESTPE on 25-04-2020 and
rejected on 29-08-2020.