Work-Energy Principle Based Characteristic Mode Theory for Wireless
Power Transfer Systems
Work-energy principle (WEP) governing wireless power transfer (WPT)
process is derived. Driving power as the source to sustain a steady WPT
is obtained. Transferring coefficient (TC) used to quantify power
transfer efficiency is introduced.
WEP gives a clear physical picture to WPT process. The physical picture
reveals the essential difference between transferring problem and
scattering problem. The essential difference exposes the fact that the
conventional characteristic mode theory (CMT) for scattering systems
cannot be directly applied to transferring systems.
Under WEP framework, this paper establishes a CMT for transferring
systems. By orthogonalizing driving power operator (DPO), the CMT can
construct a set of energy-decoupled characteristic modes (CMs) for any
pre-selected objective transferring system. It is proved that the
obtained CM set contains the optimally transferring mode, which can
maximize TC.
Employing the WEP-based CMT for transferring systems, this paper does
the modal analysis for some typical two-coil transferring systems, and
introduces the concepts of co-resonance and ci-resonance, and reveals
some important differences and connections “between transferring
problem and scattering problem”, “between co-resonance phenomenon of
transferring systems and external resonance phenomenon of scattering
systems”, and “between so-called magnetic resonance and classical
electric-magnetic resonance”.