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Types and Methods of Managing SPAM Messages: A Review
  • Nurul Hafizatul Aida Binti Ghozali,
  • Nur Fatin Fikriyah Binti Zamzuri
Nurul Hafizatul Aida Binti Ghozali
Faculty of Computer and Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Computer and Mathematical Sciences, Universiti Teknologi Mara, UiTM Tapah

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Nur Fatin Fikriyah Binti Zamzuri
Faculty of Computer and Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Computer and Mathematical Sciences, Universiti Teknologi Mara, UiTM Tapah


This paper explores the problems caused by spam messages on the internet. It talks about different types of spam, like email spam and fake advertisements on social media. The paper also looks at how spam can make things difficult for people, like draining resources and tricking them into clicking on harmful links. The paper suggests fighting against spam by enabling filters in emails, using third-party spam filtering, avoiding clicking suspicious links, reporting, and blocking and avoiding using personal or professional emails. Lastly, the paper discusses what might happen with spam in the future and the challenges we may face. Overall, the paper aims to help and understand then find ways to deal with it for a safer and smoother experience.
18 Dec 2023Submitted to TechRxiv
22 Dec 2023Published in TechRxiv