Excitation Signal Design for THz Channel Sounding and Propagation Parameter Estimation
In this publication, we analyze how the performance of propagation parameter estimation for THz channel sounding can be improved by the power spectrum design of a multicarrier waveform. To this end, we discuss the Fisher information of the propagation parameters and the corresponding deterministic Cramèr-Rao lower bound (CRB) as well as their relation to the carrier powers of the excitation signal. We use these quantities to design waveforms that improve range estimation. In practice, optimizing the power spectrum requires prior knowledge of the propagation scenario which is usually not available. Hence, we propose two solutions which we compare numerically to the classical approach of equal power distribution. The numerical evaluation shows that an optimized power distribution can improve the CRB comparable up to a 4 dB gain in SNR depending on whether knowledge about the scenario can be acquired in advance with an additional measurement.
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