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Bridging between Deviation Indices for Non-Tree-Based Phylogenetic Networks
  • Takatora Suzuki,
  • Han Guo,
  • Momoko Hayamizu
Takatora Suzuki

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Momoko Hayamizu
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Phylogenetic networks are a useful model that can represent reticulate evolution and complex biological data. In recent years, mathematical and computational aspects of tree-based networks have been well studied. However, not all phylogenetic networks are tree-based, so it is meaningful to consider how close a given network is to being tree-based; Francis–Steel–Semple (2018) proposed several different indices to measure the degree of deviation of a phylogenetic network from being tree-based. One is the minimum number of leaves that need to be added to convert a given network to tree-based, and another is the number of vertices that are not included in the largest subtree covering its leaf-set. Both values are zero if and only if the network is tree-based. Both deviation indices can be computed efficiently, but the relationship between the above two is unknown, as each has been studied using different approaches. In this study, we derive a tight inequality for the values of the two measures and also give a characterisation of phylogenetic networks such that they coincide.
19 May 2024Submitted to TechRxiv
25 May 2024Published in TechRxiv