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Mitigating Motion Sickness in Automated Vehicles with Vibration Cue System
  • Daofei Li ,
  • Linhui Chen
Daofei Li
Zhejiang University

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Linhui Chen
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Motion sickness is very common in road transport. To guarantee ride comfort and user experience, there is an urgent need for effective solutions to motion sickness mitigation in semi- and fully-automated vehicles. Considering both effectiveness and user-friendliness, a vibration cue system is proposed to inform passengers of the upcoming vehicle movement through tactile stimulation. By integrating the motion planning results from automated driving algorithms, the vibration cueing timing and patterns are optimized with the theory of motion anticipation. Using a cushion-based prototype of vibration cue system, 20 participants were invited to evaluate this solution in two conditions of driving simulator experiments. Results show that with the proposed vibration cue system, it could also help participants to comprehend the cues and to generate motion anticipation. The participants’ motion sickness degrees were significantly lowered. This research may serve as one foundation for the detailed system development in practical applications.
(This article has been accepted for publication in Ergonomics, published by Taylor & Francis.)
03 Oct 2022Published in Ergonomics volume 65 issue 10 on pages 1313-1325. 10.1080/00140139.2022.2028902