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Fixed-Frequency PWM Control and Stability of Series-Stacked Buffer for 2ω-Power Decoupling
  • Anwesha Mukhopadhyay ,
  • Vinod John
Anwesha Mukhopadhyay
Indian Institute of Science

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Vinod John
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Active second-harmonic (2ω) filters have become an integral technology for single-phase power converters in high power density designs. The series-stacked buffer (SSB) has emerged as an attractive topology among the existing solutions due to its low power, high efficiency, and compact design. However, one of the challenges in adopting SSB lies in its control, where conventionally hysteresis current control has been adopted. This results in a wide variation in the switching frequency, making the digital control implementation and filter design complex. On the other hand, fixed-frequency pulse-width modulation (PWM) control necessitates developing a model for the systematic controller design to ensure stability and desired filtering performance. The assumption of SSB modelled as a second-harmonic current source, independent of the dc bus circuit components, fails to capture the dc bus loading effect on the SSB. In this work, a dynamic model of SSB is eveloped where the main dc bus and its passive elements are taken into account. The derived model gives a systematic procedure for the controller design while ensuring the desired 2ω filtering. The stability limits and parameter sensitivities of the model are studied analytically and in simulations. The analytical model is validated, and the proposed controller performance and stability limit are verified experimentally on a hardware prototype.
Apr 2023Published in IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics volume 11 issue 2 on pages 1555-1567. 10.1109/JESTPE.2022.3220494