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Beyond the Track II: A Biomechanical Perspective on Roller Coaster Injury Risks and Recommendations for Improvement
  • Ryan Cataldo
Ryan Cataldo
Biomechanics Independent Research

Corresponding Author:[email protected]

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Understanding how and where roller coaster-related injuries occur within the human body are crucial to prevention. In turn, this paper begins by analyzing the relationship between forces that roller coasters exert on riders and related injury biomechanics research. This paper then proceeds to assess the respective risks of brain injury and spinal injury that can impact riders. Recommendations for improvement are then offered in the form of biomechanically-enhanced anthropomorphic test devices. Roller coaster manufacturers can ultimately use the data supplied by such devices in their designs to reduce rider injuries.
2023Published in SSRN Electronic Journal. 10.2139/ssrn.4428141