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A Fusion Model: Towards a Virtual, Physical and Cognitive Integration and its Principles
  • Haolan Zhang
Haolan Zhang

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Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), Mixed Reality (MR), digital twin, Metaverse and other related digital technologies have attracted much attention in recent years. These new emerging technologies are changing the world significantly. This research introduces a fusion model, i.e. Fusion Universe (FU), where the virtual, physical, and cognitive worlds are merged together. Therefore, it is crucial to establish a set of principles for the fusion model that is compatible with our physical universe laws and principles. This paper investigates several aspects that could affect immersive and interactive experience; and proposes the fundamental principles for Fusion Universe that can integrate physical and virtual world seamlessly.
2023Published in IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine on pages 1-7. 10.1109/MCE.2023.3300488