Disturbance Observer-Based Anti-windup Control for Path-Following of
Underactuated AUVs via Singular Perturbations: Theory and Experiment
Path-following is a fundamental motion control problem for AUVs. Despite
a number of nonlinear control techniques having offered new tools and
promising solutions to deal with the path-following problem of AUVs
subject to model uncertainties and actuator saturation, they typically
nonetheless yield relatively complicated controllers which may be
prohibitive in the real world. Motivated by that, this paper aims to
develop an alternative anti-windup control scheme, which should be
capable of achieving satisfactory control performance, as well as be
easy-to-implement in practical cases. To this end, it suggests a new
approach using the theory of singular perturbation and time scales. In
this paper, we first make good use of the difference between the
bandwidths for observer and vehicle dynamics to design and analyze the
DO, so as to provides a new physical perspective. We then show how such
three-time scale singular perturbation control law can be designed. This
can provide a deep insight into the dynamic response of closed-loop
system in a geometric view. Following that, we propose a novel
anti-windup modification, based on the physical perspective and the
“geometric view” mentioned above. Simulation results and experiment
results suggest that this approach is feasible. Although our motivating
application is to the path-following of AUVs in the horizontal plane,
the proposed control method is applicable to a variety of problems in
control community, in which the time-scale separation widely exists. In
future research, we will extend the proposed method to three-dimensional
(3D) path-following, as well as apply the singular perturbation
technique to reduce the computation complexity of MPC and Neural Network
control. Additionally, as the PI/PID controllers usually suffer from the
difficulties of selecting proper control gains, it is also expected that
the singular perturbation theory can be employed for solving this
problem, by taking advantages of the physical perspective.