Renal artery embolization is an interventional procedure used to treat
conditions such as renal artery rupture and renal cancer. It offers
advantages such as minimal damage, fast recovery, and low side effects.
The implementation of robotic wire navigation in interventional surgery
can effectively assist doctors in performing the procedure. Deep
learning and reinforcement learning methods have been widely used for
wire navigation tasks. However, they face challenges such as overly
simplistic simulation environments, single reward functions, and slow
convergence speed. To address these issues, we propose the use of a
virtual training environment that models real vascular projections,
thereby closely resembling the real environment. We incorporate the
distance information between the wire tip and the target point into the
reward function and utilize real-time images as input states. We
accelerate the convergence of the algorithm using the multi-threaded
Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) algorithm and adopt a multi-stage
training approach. The results demonstr-ate that our method effectively
achieves wire navigation in the virtual environment, reducing training
time and improv-ing the success rate of wire navigation and the
robustness of the algorithm.