Opacity of Parametric Discrete Event Systems: Models, Decidability, and
Finite automata (FAs) model is a popular tool to characterize discrete
event systems (DESs) due to its succinctness. However, for some complex
systems, it is difficult to describe the necessary details by means of
FAs model. In this paper, we consider a kind of extended finite automata
(EFAs) in which each transition carries a redicate over state and event
parameters. We also consider a type of simplified EFAs, called
Event-Parameters EFAs (EP-EFAs), where the state parameters are removed.
Based upon these two parametric models, we investigate the problem of
opacity analysis for parametric DESs. First of all, it is shown that
EFAs model is more expressive than EP-EFAs model. Secondly, it is proved
that the opacity properties for EFAs are undecidable in general.
Moreover, the decidable opacity properties for EPEFAs are investigated.
We present the verification algorithms for current-state opacity,
initial-state opacity and infinite-step opacity, and then discuss the
complexity. This paper establishes a preliminary theory for the opacity
of parametric DESs, which lays a foundation for the opacity analysis of
complex systems.