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Power Transfer between Two Antenna Arrays in the Near Field
  • Krishan Kumar Tiwari ,
  • Giuseppe Caire
Krishan Kumar Tiwari
Technical University of Berlin, Technical University of Berlin, Technical University of Berlin

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Giuseppe Caire
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This letter presents numerical results with a focus on power transfer between two antenna arrays placed in the near field, where a much smaller active multi-antenna feeder (AMAF) center feeds a far larger passive array referred to as a reflective intelligent surface (RIS). The AMAF is configured along the principal eigenmode of the AMAF-RIS propagation matrix T. The interest is in the regime of f/D less than unity. The power transfer coefficient deviates from the classical distance dependent inverse square law model. This is due to the natural taper across the RIS aperture at such small f/D ratios. In addition, the behavior of the power transfer coefficient is more sensitive to the f/D ratio than to a specific RIS size. We also see that the center feed is more power efficient than end feed.