Experimental verification of simulation model for permittivity of
3D-printed slabs with various infill densities
This paper discusses the process of estimation of the effective relative
permittivity for 3D-printed dielectric slabs with varying infill
densities. The dielectric slabs with varying infill densities were
placed inside rectangular waveguides with varying dimensions that
correspond to different frequency ranges to determine the relative
permittivities of the dielectric slabs. The results from the measurement
of relative permittivity for these dielectric slabs with varying infill
density indicated that the relative permittivity of 3D-printed
dielectric slab decreases as the infill density decreases. This reduced
relative permittivity of the slab has been coined as effective relative
permittivity (εr.eff) throughout the paper. The relationship between the
εr.eff and the infill density which was found to be linear in our
previous simulation study was validated for higher infill densities
through extensive measurements conducted in this study.