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Data Cooperatives for Identity Attestations
  • Thomas Hardjono ,
  • Alex Pentland
Thomas Hardjono

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Alex Pentland
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Data cooperatives with fiduciary obligations to members provide a useful source of truthful information regarding a given member whose personal data is managed by the cooperative. Since one of the main propositions the cooperative model is to protect the data privacy of members, we explore the notion of blinded attestations in which the identity of the subject is removed from the attestations issued by the cooperative regarding one of its members. This is performed at the request of the individual member. We propose the use of a legal entity to countersign the blinded attestation, one that has an attorney-client relationship with the cooperative, and which can henceforth become the legal point of contact for inquiries regarding the individual related to the attribute being attested. There are several use-cases for this feature, including the Funds Travel Rule in transactions in digital assets, and the protection of privacy in decentralized social networks.