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Network Performance Analysis of Smart Grid Communications Over LTE cat-M
  • Biswajit Kumar Dash ,
  • Sureel Shah ,
  • Filippo Malandra
Biswajit Kumar Dash
State University of New York at Buffalo

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Sureel Shah
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Filippo Malandra
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Smart grid applications heavily rely on communication infrastructures that offer flexibility, scalability, and cost-effectiveness to enable bi-directional information exchange across geographically distributed grid elements. Wireless cellular networks, such as LTE cat-M, provide extensive coverage at a reduced cost, both in terms of installation and power consumption. This paper presents a multi-node testbed to assess the suitability of LTE cat-M technology for a variety of smart grid applications, with distributed nodes collecting and transmitting data at a variable rate, from 0.25 to 100 frames per second (fps). Based on field experiments, an extensive performance analysis is presented with Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), such as delay, jitter, and frame loss. The impact of the number of smart grid nodes and propagation quality are also considered in the analysis. Finally, a calibration method to optimize the packet transmission time is presented with a 33.91% delay reduction under different conditions.