Quantum Machine Learning (QML) is an emerging technology that only recently has begun to take root in the research fields of Earth Observation (EO) and Remote Sensing (RS),  and whose state of the art is roughly divided into one group oriented to fully quantum solutions, and in another oriented to hybrid solutions.  Very few works applied QML to EO tasks, and none of them explored a methodology able to give guidelines on the hyperparameter tuning of the quantum part. As a first step in the direction of quantum advantage for RS data classification, this letter opens new research lines, allowing us to demonstrate that there are more convenient solutions to simply increasing the number of qubits in the quantum part. To pave the first steps for researchers interested in the above, the structure of a new hybrid quantum neural network is proposed with a strategy to choose the number of qubits to find the most efficient combination in terms of both system complexity and results accuracy. We sampled and tried a number of configurations, and using the suggested method we came up with the most efficient solution (in terms of the selected metrics). Better performance is achieved with less model complexity when tested and compared with state-of-the-art techniques for identifying volcanic eruptions  chosen as a case study. Additionally, the method makes the model more resilient to dataset imbalance, a major problem when training classical models. Lastly, the code is freely available so that interested researchers can  reproduce and extend the results.

Oladimeji Mudele

and 4 more

Over 50% of the world population is at risk of mosquito-borne diseases. Female Ae. aegypti mosquito species transmit Zika, Dengue, and Chikungunya. The spread of these diseases correlate positively with the vector population, and this population depends on biotic and abiotic environmental factors including temperature, vegetation condition, humidity and precipitation. To combat virus outbreaks, information about vector population is required. To this aim, Earth observation (EO) data provide fast, efficient and economically viable means to estimate environmental features of interest. In this work, we present a temporal distribution model for adult female Ae. aegypti mosquitoes based on the joint use of the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index, the Normalized Difference Water Index, the Land Surface Temperature (both at day and night time), along with the precipitation information, extracted from EO data. The model was applied separately to data obtained during three different vector control and field data collection condition regimes, and used to explain the differences in environmental variable contributions across these regimes. To this aim, a random forest (RF) regression technique and its nonlinear features importance ranking based on mean decrease impurity (MDI) were implemented. To prove the robustness of the proposed model, other machine learning techniques, including support vector regression, decision trees and k-nearest neighbor regression, as well as artificial neural networks, and statistical models such as the linear regression model and generalized linear model were also considered. Our results show that machine learning techniques perform better than linear statistical models for the task at hand, and RF performs best. By ranking the importance of all features based on MDI in RF and selecting the subset comprising the most